Customers commissioned some, some were made for shop-stock. All made by us. Should you like to make contact, scroll down to the bottom of the page for the communications form that will deliver your message straight to my person mailbox.
These are by no means the only rings we have manufactured. We recently lost access to thousands of our media files. I’m in the process of going through old backups and data to try and get as many of our portfolio images back as I can, I will upload them as I can. Check back soon!
Many thanks for showing interest in our Portfolio!
Ring Portfolio
Customers commissioned some, some were made for shop-stock. All made by us. Should you like to make contact, scroll down to the bottom of the page for the communications form that will deliver your message straight to my person mailbox.
return to Portfolio Page
return to Portfolio Page
These are by no means the only rings we have manufactured. We recently lost access to thousands of our media files. I’m in the process of going through old backups and data to try and get as many of our portfolio images back as I can, I will upload them as I can. Check back soon!
Many thanks for showing interest in our Portfolio!